Pamyatniki Petru I Fevronii

 ¿Qué ver en Pamyatniki petru i fevronii, Yaroslavl?

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The Petru I Fevronii Monuments in Yaroslavl, Russia are dedicated to Peter the Great and his wife Fevronia, who are considered the patrons of marriage and family in Russian Orthodox tradition. The monument complex includes a statue of Peter the Great and a chapel dedicated to Fevronia.

The monument complex is open to the public from 9am to 7pm daily and admission is free. There is no official website for the monument complex.

Nearby attractions include the Yaroslavl Art Museum, which is open from 10am to 6pm daily except Mondays, and the Spaso-Preobrazhensky Monastery, which is open from 9am to 5pm daily.

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